Courage in Writing: Daring to put out truths for posterity
Extract adapted from my book Silence Eloquence, available on Amazon. I just started reading Francine Prose’s Reading Like a Writer. It makes me wonder why I choose to read the books that I read. I might read for many reasons,…
Tiger Work: Literature meets Sustainability in this new eclectic collection by Ben Okri
The written word has long been a powerful medium for radical and transformative change. When you have someone skilled, talented and powerful like booker-prize winning author Ben Okri taking his pen up against climate change, then there is hope in…
Sea of Tranquility: A wondrous journey through space and time
A book that takes us from 1912 to 2401, across earth, moon and the far corners of the universe, to realize what haunts there and then is no different from the here and now. A delightful read!
Book Titles, Alliterations and the power of short phrases
To create or to discover - two pleasing acts. Is one more worthy than the other?
Change is everywhere – 3 recent books to understand change better
Change can be daunting. But if well understood, it can help us transition closer to our ideal life, and internally, to transform ourselves towards a better self. Three recent books explore change from different perspectives.
Giving Season: Silent Eloquence Donation Drive
It’s been a strange year for all of us. Personally, I’ve had a lot of changes in my own life and work. It’s been a year for reflection and trying to figure out what is that really matters. It’s December.…
Care: the key to meaning and joy to your life
Creativity allows you to look at the world in novel ways. It opens your mind to a range of possibilities. Its importance remains imperative, just like curiosity and courage, for a successful life. But success is not sufficient- our lives…
Creativity: The true value-add for making a difference
If courage is the leap of faith that one must take to bring an impact in this world, creativity is its guiding force- it is the skill that sets your distinct direction and vision into bringing this difference. Creating something…
Courage: the misunderstood and undervalued trait for good leadership
Curiosity saves the cat- it brings you out of monotony and into a foray of intellect and imagination. But once you are there, your journey doesn’t end. In fact, your curiosity is merely the start to something great. The next…
Curiosity saved the cat: the liberating power of asking simple questions
Recently, I had the opportunity to address FISAT Business School’s MBA 2020 batch. While preparing for this event I thought long and hard- what I do say to these students who embark onto such an important life phase this day,…