Intelligent about Intelligence: Organizing my thoughts
A ten-point storyline where I consolidate my thoughts on Artificial Intelligence, the coming of a new age and what we can do to survive and thrive.
On history: 75 stories about freedom from the lowlands
History is nuanced. None of us are allowed to sit on a pedestal, none of us were the victims, because in some version of the same story, we all have occupied all roles.
The future of artificial intelligence is now: How our choices today impact our reality of tomorrow
We need to design AI with the human interest at the center, in a way that it enriches our lives and ensures an inclusive world in the future. The responsibility lies with each and every one of us.
When Wait is a synonym for Never: On why we need to be impatient for change
Leadership is not just about the trajectory of change, it is also about the pace of change. It is time we had an inclusive world, a world we can be ourselves, where we are beyond labels.
Welcome to my sandbox
A place of play, experimentation and freedom. To let go of constraints, and let the imagination roam free. My sandbox is where I tinker - where I take what I observe, feel or think, and give them new shapes. Welcome.